
The Dagestan Tur, like all tur, is a very fine and sporting game animal. It is hunted in steep, high mountains where good physical condition is a must, long shots may be required and even an average trophy is something to be proud of. Gregarious, sometimes in large herds numbering several hundred, they prefer to feed on forbs and grasses, but will still browse. Tur will get water from small pools high in the mountains. An extremely good climber as are all goats. Predators are wolves and occasionally leopards, sometimes they are killed by avalanches. Typically at high elevations—as high as 12,000 feet, they can be found lower in thick forest, descending to lower elevations in winter to escape heavy snow.

When hunting in Armenia, most often accommodations are in small bed and breakfast guest houses in the villages near the hunting areas. Here we find the level of service very good, as is the food and other amenities. Multiple forest service roads in the reserves lead to the peaks of the mountains, which makes this hunt easier in comparison to sheep and ibex hunts elsewhere in the Middle East.

It is not necessary to obtain a Visa to travel to Armenia, provided your visit is less than 180 days. Recommended travel brings hunters through Vienna into Yerevan Internation Airport in Armenia.